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EAV Group Limited’s Terms & Conditions 2014-2022

These terms and conditions of business are between EAV Group Limited and ‘the client’, ‘the customer’ or ‘the business’ (you). It supersedes any earlier written or oral arrangement between you and EAV Group Limited.


The headings in these terms and conditions are for convenience and shall not affect its interpretation.


1    Introduction


1.1    These are terms and conditions of EAV Group Limited, ‘the company’ EAV Group Limited, may be refereed to as the company, EAV, EAV Group or other trading names used by EAV Group Limited.


1.2    These terms and conditions are agreed to by yourself (‘the client’, ‘the customer’, or ‘the business’) when you agree to use our services, agree a quotation or any other agreement made between the company and yourself.


1.3    Our website ‘' will hold our latest terms and conditions which will change as the company develops and offers more services. The latest terms and conditions always supersedes any other terms and conditions that have previously been listed on the website. The terms and condition can be downloaded but may become out of date if not downloaded regularly.



2    Service Charges


2.1    EAV Group Limited offer various services from electrical services to air conditioning services. All of the services offered by EAV Group Limited will be charged at an hourly rate of £120 per hour plus VAT unless stated in writing or in a quote, this does not include materials or other expenses.


2.2    Out of hour service charges will including an additional surcharge of £100 per hour plus VAT unless stated in writing or on a quotation. This does not include public holidays such as Christmas Day or Boxing Day which incur a surcharge of £250 per hour plus VAT.


2.3    Cancellations of services will be required in writing within 14 days before the scheduled work is due to be taken place or this will result in the original service charge being billed at 50% of the original estimated charge unless stated otherwise in writing by EAV Group Limited.



3    Material / Equipment Charges


3.1    All materials or equipment provided by EAV Group Limited are the sole property of EAV Group Limited at all times until the final invoice of the project in question has been paid in full. This includes materials and equipment which is stored at our premises, in our vehicles and on sites (even if the site is not owned or managed by EAV Group Limited).


3.2    Cancellations of materials or equipment is needed in writing 14 days before the materials or equipment is due to be installed or this may result in a restocking surcharge of up to 75% depending on the materials in question. Materials or equipment that is stated non refundable or special order items will not be refundable and will result in being fully invoiced as per the original quote or verbal instruction.


3.3    Materials or equipment damaged after the installation is complete is not the responsibility of EAV Group Limited and the site owner / manager will need to have insurances in place in the event of loss or damage. 



4    Instruction of Works


4.1    Instruction of quoted or non quoted works can be taken verbally or as preferred in writing, this can be taken from anyone who has the right to do so, such as managers, staff leaders, landlords, etc. 


4.2    Once the works have been instructed to be carried out, cancellations charges may incur with the labour or material charges, please see section 2.3 and section 3.2.



5    Billing


5.1    EAV Group Limited aim to invoice the next or same day of the completion of projects. Some projects will be invoiced in stages as the project progresses, this depends on the type of project and the total GBP worth of the project.


5.2    Invoices will be issued and will be expected to be paid with at least 14 days from issue unless stated in writing from EAV Group Limited. Statements will automatically be issued when invoices are due to be paid or monthly if accounts are held with EAV Group Limited. These payment terms supersedes any other conditions from the client or business already have unless stated in writing.


5.3    Overdue invoices will incur a surcharge of £100 and a calculated interest rate which maybe above the Bank of England base rate. Overdue invoices will also incur charges such as debt recovery fees, court fees and other related fees when they are passed on to our litigation team. These charges will be added on top of the original invoice even if the original invoice is paid in full. 



6    Warranty


6.1    All materials, equipment and workmanship comes with a standard 12 month warranty unless otherwise stated. Warranties with longer than 12 months, please see section 6.2. All warranties will be issued from the date of installation of the equipment in question or the invoice date, whichever is earlier.


6.2    Warranties with equipment that are longer than 12 months are held directly with the manufactures. EAV Group Limited will assist where possible to help resolve warranty problems but will not be held liable for any warranties directly and will not cover labour charges past 12 months of the original installation.


6.3    When carrying our fault finding on equipment past the original 12 month labour warranty, we will charge our standard hourly rate for any fault finding works directly to the customer if not covered by the manufacture.


6.4    When carrying out fault finding services we will not offer any warranty for the equipment or installation works which were not carried out from us. Small fixes carried out when fault finding do not come with any warranty and further investigation works will be carried out at an hourly rate as stated in section 2.2.



7    Liability


7.1    EAV Group Limited does not accept any liability for delays when carrying out scheduled or unscheduled works. Delays to installation works are generally kept to a minimum but we can’t guarantee that all works will be carried out on time every time.


7.2    Security devices such as CCTV & alarms installed or maintained by EAV Group Limited come with manufactures warranty as standard, in the event of a fault or issue with this equipment, no liability will be placed with EAV Group Limited. Separate insurance by the client will need to be in place in case of such an event.



8    General


8.1    These terms and conditions may not be released, discharged, supplemented, interpreted, varied or modified in any manner except by an instrument in writing signed by a duly authorised representative and you. Our terms and conditions will prevail over any terms and conditions used by you or contained, set out or referred to in any documentation sent to us by you. By entering into a contract with us you agree irrevocably to waive the application of any of these terms and conditions.


8.2    Pictures and literature produced by EAV Group Limited remain the sole ownership of EAV Group Limited unless stated in wiring by a director of EAV Group Limited


8.3    These terms and conditions, and all contracts awarded between us and you, shall be governed and construed in accordance with English Law and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Law.


8.4    EAV Group Limited, reg no. 0900 3439, is a company incorporated in England and Wales.


    Our registered VAT number is: GB 185532295.


    Our registered office and main trading address is:

    EAV Group Limited,

    Unit 3A Jacks Park,

    Cinque Ports Road,

    New Romney,


    TN28 8AN

EAV Group Limited

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24/7: 0330 223 2556 - Office: 01797 217731

Unit 3A Jacks Park, Cinque Ports Road, New Romney TN28 8AN

Copyright © 2014-2024 EAV Group Limited. All rights reserved. Terms & Conditions

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